Indiana Minority Supplier Development Council
The Indiana Minority Supplier Development Council (IMSDC) promotes and cultivates successful minority enterprises within the Indiana business community. The council serves as an advocate for the economic well-being and growth of ISMDC-certfied Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), while also providing a direct connection for corporations that are committed to purchasing products and services from IMSDC-certified MBEs.
here for more information.
Minority & Women's Business Enterprise Division
The State of Indiana provides an equal opportunity for existing and operating minority and women’s business enterprises to receive and participate in the state’s procurement and contracting process. The Minority & Women’s Business Enterprises Division is a multi-purpose service agency for all Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), Women Business Enterprises (WBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) vendors and contractors.
here for more information.
Muslim Alliance of Indiana
The Muslim Alliance of Indiana can also be a networking resource for Muslims attempting to start and grow businesses in Indiana.
here for more information.
Office of Women's Business Ownership
The Office of Women’s Business Ownership promotes the growth of women-owned businesses through programs that address business training and technical assistance, and provide access to credit and capital, federal contracts, and international trade opportunities. With a women's business ownership representative in every Small Business Administration (SBA) district office, a nationwide network of mentoring roundtables, women's business centers in nearly every state and territory, women-owned venture capital companies, and the Online Women's Business Center, OWBO is helping unprecedented numbers of women start and build successful businesses.
here for more information.
Springboard Enterprises
Springboard Enterprises is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to accelerating women's access to the equity markets. The organization produces programs that educate, showcase and support entrepreneurs as they seek equity capital and grow their companies.
here for more information.